Friday, October 31, 2014

Where to Begin?

Growing up, you often think that life should follow some specific outline. Do well in high school, go to college, find the love of your life, graduate, get a job, get married. That's what I thought for a long time. In fact, at one point in time, I thought I had found the one. The wedding was planned. And then, through a series of events, I realized that he was not the one. I moved on, and I thought I could jump right back on the perfect outline.

I am now 25, single, with a master's degree in a field I don't love (public admin, aka government). At my graduation in May, I felt despair, regret, and shame. I had made many decisions I wanted to change and I wasn't happy with who I had become. The job front looked bleak, and I didn't know where to go next.

At the end of May, living in my parents' guest bedroom, sharing a bathroom with my 13 year-old brother, and still jobless, I made a decision. There are some things you can change in life, and some things you cannot. I knew I wasn't happy with who I was and the path I was on, so I started to change what I could. I returned to church after years away. I decided to give abstinence a try after too much casual sex. And I took a leap of faith and agreed to work a week as a lifeguard/instructor at a Boy Scout Camp with a college friend.

Fast forward 5 months later. I have a job that I love where I truly feel I am making a difference. I moved to Winston-Salem, NC and have reconnected with my Dad's side of the family. I feel closer to my roots than ever before. I have joined Ardmore UMC and jumped right in to teaching the young adult Sunday School (crazy or decide). I am advising the Duke Chapter of my sorority that I just joined in April (Again...crazy or ambitious?). Already, I have made some great friends in North Carolina. However, I still feel like something is missing in my life.

That's when it hit me. I can talk the talk and walk the walk. I'm great at faking it until I make it. However, I still have a lot of room to grow in my faith. There are many decisions in my life that I still need to come to terms with, forgive myself, and move forward from before I can be happy. I need to be more okay with myself before adding another person to the equation.

I'm not on life's perfect time line. In fact, I'm far from it.But, I have a new beginning here in North Carolina that is treating me great so far. Now, it's time to make my joy a priority. It's time to accept myself and move forward. Through years of counseling (both as a client and as a psych student), I have been told countless times that I should write and journal. Well, this is my attempt at that.

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