Saturday, January 10, 2015

Encouraging Conversations

"Therefore encourage one another and build each other up" 1 Thessalonians 5:11

This week I have been touched by the encouragement I have received through conversations with friends and coworkers. Some were intentionally spiritual conversations. Others just happened to include what I needed that moment. These conversations all helped me stay on track with my new year's goals, connected scripture to life, and most importantly, built me up. They also showed me the importance of making time for conversations. The conversations that impacted me the most happened either when I least expected it, or when I stayed in a situation longer than I had planned to stay. I guess it really shows that I have to make time for God to work in my life. I can't have everything planned to the nearest minute.

Another thing happened through these conversations. I was able to talk about past sins that I had harbored in my heart for fear of judgment from myself and others. And after each conversation, I felt a sense of relief and peace. The conversations helped me apply the scriptures of grace and faith to my personal situation.

"Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed" James 5:16

Moving forward, I want to be more intentional about building space for Godly conversations. I also want to be more open to the Godly women in my life so that I can receive their prayers. I am very thankful that I had so many interactions this week that touched me.

Monday, January 5, 2015

Sufficient Grace

I decided to start the new year with a Bible study on grace. Over the holiday season, I realized that I struggle to accept God's grace and forgiveness. I found it hard to believe that ALL of my sins could be FULLY forgiven by an almighty God. I didn't understand that NOTHING I do will be enough, but God's Grace will still be sufficient. After diving into God's word, I can say I feel differently.

In my study Bible, the concordance mentions 56 citations of grace. This is not all, because I found some while reading others. However, I started with these 56 versus; 8 in the Old Testament and 48 in the New Testament. Right away that tells you something...Grace is the new promise. Here are some of my key take aways from this study.

Grace is FREE
Multiple times we are told Grace is a free gift, or that it flows freely from God (Rom 3:24, 11:6, Eph 1:6). We cannot earn God's grace. We are saved by grace alone, not the law (Acts 15:11, Rom 11:6). In fact, trying to live by the law can tear us away from God (Gal 5:4)

We gain Grace through FAITH
We can accept God's Grace by having faith in God (Rom 4:16. 5:2). Having faith does not mean we are perfect,but it means we love and try to follow God in all we do. We must be humble in our circumstances and work to know God better through study, worship, fellowship, and service. Grace increases to cover all sin, however through faith, we will strive to live rightly and honor God (Rom 5:20, 6:1-4).

2 Corinthians 12:9 tells us that God's Grace is sufficient. This means that when we are weak, God's power can carry us forward. We are told to be strong in grace; rely on Christ's strength (2 Tim 2:1). Sometimes God's calling may seem to be too much. The sinful nature may seem overwhelming. We may feel like we can't do it alone- because we can't do it alone- however we have an amazing God who's grace is sufficient to carry us through.

Grace is VISIBLE
When you have accepted God's Grace and strive to live by faith, God's Grace will be visible to those around you (Gal 2:9). Unless we receive the knowledge of God's grace in vain, it will produce results in our life and change us (2 Cor 6:1, 1 Cor 15:10). Our lips and conversations will display grace (Ps 45:2, Col 4:6). When we are filled with grace, the gifts of grace will overflow and touch many people around us (Rom 5:15). We will be given opportunities to use God's Grace to serve those around us to spread Grace (2 Cor 8:6, Eph 3:7). Ultimately, God's Grace shines through you so others can see Christ in you.

Do you see grace in your life? Do you think others see it in you? Do you have faith that God has cleansed away all of your sins? This study taught me that instead of worrying about past sins, or current ones for that matter, my focus should be on growing closer to Christ and relying on his strength. If I do this, grace will abound.

A song that came on my random playlist tonight. I thought it was fitting!