Monday, November 17, 2014

A Call To Service

Over the past few days, there has been a consistent message coming through loud and clear: Serve. Let me clarify...This has come through my Bible study, the church sermon, my psychology reading (Happiness Hypothesis), and my MOOC on emotionally intelligent leadership. Oh, it probably has been mentioned at work, and I was reminded of it when reviewing my sorority core values. As I mentioned...It's been a pretty consistent message.

To go a little into my background, service used to be a solid part of my life. I began volunteering at inner-city VBS programs in 4th grade. In middle school I would regularly go to the food pantry. High school brought mission trips over the summer. Then somewhere in college, things began to get complicated. Which is weird since I have a degree in non-profit management. However, somewhere in college, my service began to be "what's in it for me?" Does it count towards class credit? Can I earn a scholarship with it? Will it help my grad school application? I was still doing service, but I noticed a definite change in my heart.

Then came grad school. Service outside of what was required for my job or what would benefit me really seemed to go out the window. Yes, I served (and still serve) as philanthropy advisor for chapters of my sorority, but that is more sharing knowledge on event planning. I wasn't (and still don't much) serving my community. I used the excuse of no time and no money. Nothing was convenient. I knew I should volunteer, and I regularly researched opportunities, however I never stepped up.

Now the message is clear. I need to serve my community. The Bible calls me to it. Psychology says I will be overall happier if I do.  Emotional Intelligence says I will be a better leader and improve the lives of those I work with professionally. It's time to stop making excuses and respond to the call.

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