Sunday, December 7, 2014

Patience and Faithfulness

I love my church. Every time I go to Sunday morning or Wednesday night, I leave feeling refreshed, back on track, and at peace. The past few weeks I haven't been able to be fully present, so this morning was definitely a gift. To top it off, I was blessed to have lunch with my pastor and his wife; a lunch filled with thought-provoking conversations.

Today I was clearly reminded the importance of patience, and the fact that God does everything in his own time. Our Sunday School class is studying the advent, and this is the first time I fully dived into the birth story of John the Baptist. The people of Israel hadn't heard from God in hundreds of years. However, they continued their religious rituals of prayers and burning incense. They patiently waited and prayed; prayed and waited. Finally, when something does happen, it's 9 months before the baby is even born, and then John the Baptist has to grow up in the desert before beginning his ministry. Not to mention, he is paving the way for the true Messiah...Yet more waiting!

I am not a very patient person. I am very well aware of that. I want answers and things right here right now. I am slowly learning to appreciate God's timing, however I sometimes still find it easy to slip off my prayers and Bible study when I don't feel like life is happening how and when I want it to happen. Today's class and sermon remind me to stay faithful and disciplined. God's answer will come when the time is right. So for now...Praying for patience on top of my other prayers!

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